What we do at Advante Homes


We provide end-to-end management for short term rentals and long term leasing through a range of specialized services.


Styling & Set Up

The right furnishing and styling play critical roles in attracting and retaining guests. At Advante Homes, we'll style a unique concept based on your budget to turn your property into an amazing holiday rental and set-up everything for you so you won't need to lift a finger.


Pricing & marketing

Our expert copywriters and photographers will highlight all the best features of your holiday rental and local area. We’ll then promote your listing across the most popular OTAs in your region such as Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking.com, Stayz, Agoda and more + apply Dynamic Pricing strategies using market leading technology to ensure we get you the best returns possible.

24/7 guest management

Often, your guests will experience inconveniences and will seek help to address their concerns immediately. At Advante Homes, we make sure that you take the backseat in managing your guest’s expectations with our 24/7 guest support that’s ready to accommodate your guests exactly when and where they need it.


Cleaning & maintenance

When it comes to short-term accommodation, guest expectations are getting higher by the day! Your property’s cleanliness included. While it is ideal to maintain a tidy rental space around-the-clock, most property owners find it difficult to manage their time and frequently check on their holiday rental to make sure that everything is of a 5-star rating.


Medium to long term tenancies

Holiday rentals in summer, corporate and long-term leases in winter. All in one seamless service. Our tried and tested strategy can earn you up to 30% more than traditional tenancies alone.

At Advante Homes we work with highly experienced and licensed real estate agents to ensure your property rides the peak of short-stay seasons as well as getting the right medium-long term tenants during the off peak maximizing your property’s earning potential leaving no stone unturned.

Speak to one of our specialists today!